Welcome to Sparkle's Looking Glass

It provides a snapshot of the current performance of Seabone, our global IP backbone AS 6762. This looking glass is here as a courtesy and should only be used to verify reachability. In fact, as the ICMP traffic is handled on routers with low-priority, this tool has not to be intended for use in measuring SLAs.


Ping and traceroutes, in all the networks, are managed by the routers with a lower priority than the normal traffic to protect the infrastructures and the backbones. So, if time by time some drops could occur and be observed, this must be considered as a normal behavior and it is not an evidence of potential degradation; so this doesn’t represent a reason to complain.


Show you the response time between the source router and the destination IP address that you enter in the additional parameters field.

Allow you to see the routes available from the selected router to the destination IP address that you enter in the additional field.

Show IP route
Show IP route command to display the current state of the routing table for selected prefix.

Allow you to view the path taken by packets across an IP network between the source router and the destination IP address that you enter in the additional parameters field.