Hansenet and Telecom Italia Sparkle join forces to serve German Multinational Corporations
HanseNet Telekommunikation (HanseNet) and Telecom Italia Sparkle (TI Sparkle) announced today the launch of an innovative offering of international telecommunication services for German multinational corporations.
The two companies, both wholly owned subsidiaries of Telecom Italia, will cooperate in a joint marketing and sale proposition of a full set of international services where the edge of innovation is represented by state of the art IP-MPLS VPN solutions including Voice over IP, Mobility and Multimedia services.
The value proposition leverages on HanseNet strengths in capillary domestic capabilities and on TI Sparkle advanced international infrastructures and consolidated experience to support business customers needs at worldwide level.
“HanseNet, thanks to its Alice offering, has achieved a strong competitive position in the German broadband offer” said Harald Rösch, CEO HanseNet “and the synergy with TI Sparkle will reinforce and expand our presence in the corporate business”.
“This initiative is in line with Telecom Italia’s strategy to be one of the top players in the European telecommunication arena, leveraging on the successful experience of serving the Italian multinationals. We plan to pursue this model on the French market as well” said Stefano Mazzitelli, CEO TI Sparkle and responsible for Telecom Italia’s operations in Europe.