Our Platform

Backbone & Infrastructure

A complete range of solutions, tailored to a wide range of Customers, from OTTs to Carriers and Service Providers and Enterprises, spanning from access to any content on the Internet with secure global IP transit, to high-performance international bandwidth, to a set of unique infrastructure solutions and proprietary colocation services.


Sparkle provides Multicloud Solutions to address the digital and cloud transformation needs of Enterprise Customers.


Complete portfolio of services, including global connectivity and ICT, aimed at serving the needs of enterprises with the highest performance level.


A distinctive portfolio designed to support the operations of mobile operators to rapidly increase international mobile coverage and usage, generate new revenue streams and minimize service set up and management costs.


Voice Solutions offer worldwide voice capabilities to Carriers, Service Providers, Mobile Operators and Enterprises combining network reliability, competitive pricing and excellent routing solutions.

Sicily Hub

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Greece Data Centers Leaflet

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Metamorfosis II Leaflet

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IoT Global

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SASE Connect

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Sparkle Panama Digital Gateway Leaflet

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