Press Releases

02 June 2008     
Washington DC

IP Migration : Sparkle, founder and leading the pack

Eight major global carriers announce today at the Opening Plenary Session of International Telecoms Week (ITW) 2008, they are joining together and leveraging their communications’ expertise to propose a set of comprehensive recommendations on how to implement and foster the transition of International Voice interconnections to IP.

02 April 2008     

Telecom Italia Sparkle (TIS) to establish Representative Office in Hanoi, Vietnam

Within Telecom Italia Group, the "Bel Paese" telecommunications giant, worldwide operator with more than 30 Billion Euros annual revenues, TIS Sparkle is a full service International provider, offering a complete range of solutions : voice services, IP, bandwidth and data services for fixed and mobile operators, ISPs and multinational corporations.

05 February 2008     

IMEWE Submarine Cable Consortium awards contract for the project

A consortium of nine leading international telcos have signed the Construction and Maintenance Agreement (C&MA) and the Supply Contract for a high-capacity fiber-optic submarine cable system that stretches from Mumbai, India to Catania, Italy and Marseille France via Gulf and Middle East. IMEWE - India, Middle East, Western Europe - the three fibre pair, new generation submarine cable system shall have minimum design capacity of 3.84 terabits per second and cover a distance of approximately 13,000 kilometers. 

31 January 2008     

Sparkle provides prompt assistance during the TLC outage

During the recent telecommunications outage caused by breakdowns in major Mediterranean cables, clients of Telecom Italia Sparkle, the Telecom Italia Group's international carrier, were able to re-route traffic via Sparkle's network and thus quickly restore services.