Backbone & Infrastructure

Greece Data Centers


Sparkle’s Greece Data Centers encompass a total area of 14,000 m2; three are located in Athens in the areas of Koropi and Metamorfosis and one in Chania on the island of Crete. We offer a wide range of state-of-the-art services including colocation with first and second level support, connectivity, networking and cloud solutions. 

Hosting your computing and/or telecommunications system in one of Sparkle’s Greece Data Centers provides fast, reliable and cost efficient connectivity options to your customers as well as to other telecommunications providers. Thanks to their open and resilient configuration, our data centers offer a rich ecosystem of multi-breed interconnected players for domestic and international connectivity.

All our data centers meet the most advanced international standards and use renewable energies from certified providers.

Sparkle Greece has been certified with ISO-9001:2015 and ISO/IEC-27001:2013 from Lloyd’s for planning and selling colocation services, disaster recovery services and capacity. The company is also certified for ISO 14001, ISO 20000 and PCI-DSS.

Main features and benefits

  • Space: 14,000 m2, full rack or rack units, custom cabinets & cages
  • Power: 99.999% availability. Protected high-voltage power supply, electrical supply redundancy up to customer rack
  • Cooling: Temperature & humidity monitored and controlled with an availability of 99.99%
  • Security and access control: 24x7 on site security personnel, camera system for 24-hour surveillance and automatic fire detection and gas based extinguishing system
  • Connectivity: 1Mbps – 100Gbps with variable speeds options and in a carrier neutral environment
  • 24/7 Support: Expert technical and customer teams and continuous monitoring; help desk available in Greek and English
  • 2N system back-up throughout each building

Services Provided

  • Colocation with first and second level support and a variety of options from 10U to full rack
  • Fast, reliable and cost-efficient connectivity in a carrier neutral environment: IP transit from Tier 1 and Tier 2 providers, MPLS, SD-WAN and Ethernet services up to 100Gbps as well as tailored dark fiber solutions
  • Internet service by Sparkle Greece (LIR) AS number, directly connected to the Greek Internet Exchange (GR-IX) PoP colocated inside our data center and providing fast, reliable, low latency connectivity to all major Greek and foreign networks of GR-IX
  • Direct access to Sparkle cloud solutions as well as to major cloud providers (e.g. AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google)

Focus on Metamorfosis II

Launched in 2021, our new data center Metamorfosis II offers about 6,000 m2 of space and a modular design. It has been recognized as first green data center in Greece thanks to the adoption of the latest energy-efficient power and cooling systems available in the market.

CONTACT US for more info!

Sicily Hub

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Greece Data Centers Leaflet

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Metamorfosis II Leaflet

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IoT Global

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SASE Connect

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Sparkle Panama Digital Gateway Leaflet

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